dont see the spark plugs or wires on the engineHow to change the spark plugs on a 2001 pontiac grand am?
You need 4 spark plugs. They are located under the cover on the top of the engine. Remove the 4 bolts (13mm) on the cover and carefully unplug the harness on the end of the cover to your right. Pull the cover straight up (you will have some resistance). Before removing the plugs blow out any dirt and debris so that it can not fall into the engine with the plugs removed. Then remove the plugs, I remove and replace one plug at a time. After all 4 plugs have been replaced carefully put the cover back in place making sure the plug wires are in position. Install the 4 bolts and plug in the wire harness.
NOTE: You may want to replace the spark plug wires while you have it unassembled. About $20.00 at a parts store.
Also, do not over tighten the plugs or the bolts on the cover.
About a 20 minute job. if that.How to change the spark plugs on a 2001 pontiac grand am?
take to a dearlershipHow to change the spark plugs on a 2001 pontiac grand am?
The best thing to do is get a Chilton's book for that make and model. I hope that helps.How to change the spark plugs on a 2001 pontiac grand am?
Here it is.
The front plugs, if you can't see those ones you have a problem. The rear bank plugs is kind of a hand feel method.
Have fun and think pure thoughts while doing this.
FROM A CLASS A AUTO TECH.How to change the spark plugs on a 2001 pontiac grand am?
if its a v6 your going to have to get at those back 3 by going under the car, if that doesent work ied take it to the dealer because if your asking this you dont know how to remove the intake manifold or how to rerout vacume lines and sutch but try going under the car to get the other 3. good luck dont give up
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